Essential Grants Programme
This programme aims to relieve the urgent material needs of children, young people and families by providing essential household items and clothing, such as cookers, washing machines, beds and school uniforms.
This support is offered, as many families can not afford to purchase these items themselves. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as unemployment or trying to set up a home.
We rely on donations to make this all possible and so every application is considered by a panel of Trustee Directors. Once approved, we purchase the approved items directly, so no funds are given directly to an applicant. For example – A typical grant could be :
• £50 for school shoes for two children
• £100 for a child’s single bed and mattress
• £250 for a new washing machine or an electric cooker
To apply for an Essential Grant, please download and complete both the grant application form and the reference form. The application form needs to be completed in the families/carers’ words and the reference form must be completed by a professional supporting agency such as a school, housing adviser or medical professional, along with the family/carer.
Flow chart
[ Please click on the flow chart to enlarge it. ]
Please also have a look at the following documents – our criteria, frequently asked questions, a flow chart and a map of the area we cover: