Crib appeal and Cribfest
Crib appeal
Each year many of our parishes very kindly donate their Crib Offering to support the work we do in helping families, which enables us to provide vital support for vulnerable children and their families. We are determined to be there for families in their time of need and we know many parishioners are keen to help. We would be extremely grateful for any donation you are able to make and will ensure this goes directly towards supporting local families in need.
Thank you for helping disadvantaged children and families this Christmas.
How many of us really celebrate the Epiphany? For most people, Christmas finishes just as it starts with decorations taken down on Boxing Day and ‘Sales’ starting in the shops. And for those of us that do observe the twelve days of Christmas we don’t actually celebrate the feast; unlike countries such as Spain, where they celebrate Dia de los Reyes (Three Kings Day) and exchange gifts.
Lets CELEBRATE the Epiphany and bring our communities together to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas with a CRIBFEST
A CRIBFEST is an invitation for fellow parishioners to show off their family cribs big and small; simple or lavish; traditional or modern. See how many cribs you can collect together on the Feast of the Epiphany. With examples from across the world it will make a wonderful display for people to enjoy with a cup of tea, a glass of mulled wine and perhaps a mince pie?
Alternatively you could organise a Cribfest before Christmas one Sunday afternoon maybe even including a Christingle service for the children? For advice and ideas on planning your CRIB FEST contact
Please contact the office 01364 645420 for further help.
In the parishes of St Joseph’s Poole; Holy Trinity, Dorchester; Abbey Rd, Torquay; Holy Angels, Torquay and All Saints Teignmouth, parishioners’ cribs were brought together to create displays in churches and halls for people to come and admire and enjoy. It was amazing to see the variety and diversity of the nativities.