Rainbows Bereavement & Loss

Help manage your feelings and feel less alone with grief

Our Parent Facilitator Sarah Watts is now a Rainbows director and can offer high quality training in bereavement and loss for staff within schools. This enables them to run age related peer support programmes, which help foster emotional healing among children who have experienced a significant loss in their lives. This may be due to the death of a loved one, or perhaps through family breakdown or separation. Statistics show that one out of every 29 school children have been bereaved of a parent or sibling. 46% of children reach age 14 not living with both their natural parents. Among these, just 31% come from families where there has been a divorce.

Without support, bereavement and loss can cause children to become increasingly isolated, with mental health issues developing and their ability to engage with learning and achieve at school can also be affected. Rainbows gives children the opportunity to talk about their feelings with peers in a safe and nurturing environment.

New Rainbows sites:

Once a registered site, your school or organisation will be able to display the logo showing you are a Rainbows trained organisation. Also included in the initial registration are:
• The pack of resources of everything you will need to run the sessions
• Whole school 2 hour CPD training for all staff, looking at bereavement and loss and the impact on children and young people. We look at behaviour changes we might expect and hope to equip staff with basic tools and strategies to support young people going through this experience
• Facilitator training for individual members of staff who will be running the peer support sessions within their schools
• Guidance in reviewing or developing their own bereavement policy and procedures
• Crisis management support

Existing school sites:

As a registered Rainbows site, you will receive:
• Ongoing support to affirm and advise the trained facilitators and co-ordinators that run the programmes
• Ongoing guidance in reviewing or developing their own bereavement policy and procedures
• Crisis management support

There will be the opportunity to purchase:
• Refresher whole school CPD training for school staff
• Further individual facilitator training to ensure that there are always trained facilitators in your organisation

If you would like to book some initial training or an update for your facilitators for your school, please email:

sarah.watts@ccsplymouth.org.uk or call: 07794 657210

100% of headteachers agreed that the Rainbows programme is a valuable resource for supporting vulnerable children in school.

96% of parents and carers would recommend the programme to others.

79% of children agreed that they felt more confident and less worried about their problems after attending a Rainbows Programme.

The Rainbows programme has made a huge difference to our family life. We found that our son was more able to cope with his grief and loss.

( Parent )

Rainbows helped me to manage my feelings more and gave me an understanding of why I’m feeling this way.

( Bradley, Year 8 )
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